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Tuesday 21 June 2011

MTV Virus

I think the first thing i will put on to my blog is from a brief that i first did in my 2nd year at University. we had to find a way to advertise MTV and it had to be entirely different to what had already been done. I decided to go down the path of a "Virus". I was going to give MTV a Virus and it was going to spread.

The first thing i did was got hold of a spirograph set and started using the spirals and all the different coloured pens as i thought once i got all these manipulated on the computer they would look very potent and i was right. The next thing i needed was a strap line to go with them and after a massive brain storm i narrowed it down to about 4 or 5 and used most of them. The strap line i ended up choosing was "Virus with Attitude". You will see why when you see my work below. i wanted to get a very potent dynamic look that was right in your face, and this would spread all over the county and world.


This was my final design. all this was created from a spirograph. Below it shows them in context. There are just 2 here but i did spread this Virus all over the World. It shows it contaminating the Bradford College Sign here.


and here the virus is attacking the town hall steps in Bradford. i think this worked out really well but i wanted to show it spreading in another way other than a spirograph so i came up with trying to spread it using typography. little trick at first but got there in the end.

So below are a few of my finals that i handed in to show the virus by typography. I was very pleased with both outcomes and in the end got a good grade for this project.

So the first one above i continued to use words such as "Attitude" and words like "Fuck U" because these are what MTV is all about. They are always swearing in programmes like Jackass and Sweet 16 and many more so the majority of people that watched MTV are guarantee to swear at some point during the day so i thought it might be the best way to connect with my target audience.

So as you can see the typography is spread all over the photography images i had taken to use with my typographic words i had chosen. so there are all sorts of letters scattered about the photo but the main word that stands out is the word i have chosen to represent my typographic virus. On the work above and below the word been "Fuck U" but with different effects to the photo.

As you can see the shot of the photo plays a big part in the final poster been as potent as it is. The effects i used to get them like this i did in photoshop and i think they look great and i was very happy with my outcome and obtained a decent grade at the end of it all.

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