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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Re-branding Bradford

This is the last of my University work that I am going to put on my blog. In this brief I decided to Re-brand Bradford. I wanted to advertise Bradford in a way like it has never been advertised before. 

So the first thing I decided was to use the big attractions in and around Bradford, I used the likes of Salts Mill, Cartwright Hall, Bradford Gallery and Bradford College. I then went out to take photographs of these and created some very dynamic shots of the grounds, in and around them.

I then brought these back to the print room and created some great effects using Screen Printing, overlapping images of each and using different colours and stencils to see what type of effects I could get.

I then took these prints and scanned them into my computer and experimented some more to see how I could develop these prints into final pieces of work. Below are some of my final posters I used and some of them are in context as well to show you how they would look out in the streets.

This was one of my posters i created. All information needed is on bottom in a bar. I am much more happier with the typefaces I used in this project than in my last one. Shows the development of myself. This I got from my screen print on black paper, I then added a slight blur to make the image a bit more potent. The strap line i decided to go with was 'Bradford Culture and Industry Through Creativity'.
I think this is a really potent strap line to go with my posters and it fitted the bill well in how i wanted to advertise Bradford in my campaign.

Above is my poster in context. As you can see i have not advertised Bradford in Bradford. The idea of it all was to try get people to visit these attractions from all over the country and even for foreign people travelling the world. So above i decided to advertise this one in Euston tube station in London.

This Poster above is of Cartwright Hall. The purple really stands out in this for me and with the blur on there it really helps bring the poster out, very eye-catching. This time I used a purple bar at the bottom as that fit with the colour of the poster. This in my eyes was my strongest poster and this at the beginning was exactly how I saw myself 
Re-branding Bradford.

As you can see from my poster been in context above I decided to go global with this poster and advertise it in Times Square, New York. If Bradford was going to get noticed anywhere it will not be missed on one of the billboards in Times Square.

I did do many more as it was a campaign but these two were my favourite. I did enjoy this brief and did really well, and I even went for a meeting with one of the Heads of Bradford Council. First to see how Bradford was advertised by them and then at the end because they wanted to see my final outcomes of the campaign. They liked what i had produced but nothing went any further they also said how i could have improved and i took all that on board and used this in future projects.

Friday 24 June 2011

Virgin Atlantic

This bit of work here is from my final year at University. Basically Virgin wanted the company to be advertised in a completely different way to how they are normally advertised, and at that moment in time they advertised their company through hot looking models dressed up as air stewardesses'. I can understand them doing this if their target audience was just the males out there but what about all the women? The women out there will not like this advert as much as the men did and that's a fact.

I decided my target audience would be the higher class folk. The people that are most likely to travel first class with the company. The reason for this been was the fact that they would know and appreciate Art & Design because the people that travel first class are the higher end folk in which these sort of people buy "The Guardian" in which there is Art & Design booklets in them all the time.

I decided to advertise Virgin by wanting designs that were very potent and maybe abstract. Here is what i came up with.

In my research i managed to obtain a press release directly from Virgin Atlantic. I got in contact with the Head Office of the company and they sent me some very useful information. The most important bit of information which pieced it all together for me was there was a list in the press release of all the names of every plane Virgin Atlantic had. Richard Branson himself had named each and everyone of his planes. As you can see above one of the names of the planes names was 'Pretty Woman'. Once i had the name of his planes i just needed a strap line to go with the name. 

Above is my poster in context. I took a photo of the an ad-shell and placed my photo within the ad-shell to show you how it would look out there on the street. I think if i was walking through town i would stop and have a read of this, Very eye catching. 

Another one of his planes was called 'Plain Sailing' so an easy strap line for me here. Now I have been in the industry I do look back at some of my work especially my font choice and say to my self what was I thinking. Especially in this brief my font choices were not brilliant but i do like the design work and its just to show people how far I have come since then.

Above is my poster in context again. The effects i tried to create was as if the plane was moving. I tried to show movement through design. The top Poster especially shows this, as if the plane is flying directly above your head and there are sound waves coming down from the plane. The poster above, with the red zig zag i tried to show the planes flight path weaving through the skies. 

I was very happy with my outcomes for this project and received a very good grade if I could change anything from this project it would be the typefaces on my posters. But i suppose that all comes with experience in the industry and now I am lucky to have this and try to pass on my advice when possible.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

MTV Virus

I think the first thing i will put on to my blog is from a brief that i first did in my 2nd year at University. we had to find a way to advertise MTV and it had to be entirely different to what had already been done. I decided to go down the path of a "Virus". I was going to give MTV a Virus and it was going to spread.

The first thing i did was got hold of a spirograph set and started using the spirals and all the different coloured pens as i thought once i got all these manipulated on the computer they would look very potent and i was right. The next thing i needed was a strap line to go with them and after a massive brain storm i narrowed it down to about 4 or 5 and used most of them. The strap line i ended up choosing was "Virus with Attitude". You will see why when you see my work below. i wanted to get a very potent dynamic look that was right in your face, and this would spread all over the county and world.


This was my final design. all this was created from a spirograph. Below it shows them in context. There are just 2 here but i did spread this Virus all over the World. It shows it contaminating the Bradford College Sign here.


and here the virus is attacking the town hall steps in Bradford. i think this worked out really well but i wanted to show it spreading in another way other than a spirograph so i came up with trying to spread it using typography. little trick at first but got there in the end.

So below are a few of my finals that i handed in to show the virus by typography. I was very pleased with both outcomes and in the end got a good grade for this project.

So the first one above i continued to use words such as "Attitude" and words like "Fuck U" because these are what MTV is all about. They are always swearing in programmes like Jackass and Sweet 16 and many more so the majority of people that watched MTV are guarantee to swear at some point during the day so i thought it might be the best way to connect with my target audience.

So as you can see the typography is spread all over the photography images i had taken to use with my typographic words i had chosen. so there are all sorts of letters scattered about the photo but the main word that stands out is the word i have chosen to represent my typographic virus. On the work above and below the word been "Fuck U" but with different effects to the photo.

As you can see the shot of the photo plays a big part in the final poster been as potent as it is. The effects i used to get them like this i did in photoshop and i think they look great and i was very happy with my outcome and obtained a decent grade at the end of it all.