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Tuesday 5 July 2011

Club / Bar Work

This next set of work here I also did while I was working for Fuzz Design. My brief was to design some A0 posters for the nightclub Funky's which has now renamed itself Mode.

As it was near Christmas they wanted 2 posters. They wanted one for Boxing Day and one for New Years Eve.! Obviously these are big events so my posters really needed to stand out and be eye catching.

Above is the Boxing Day poster I designed for them and they really liked what I had done. The event was called 'Boxed Off', so I managed to find a vector of a gift wrapped box in which I then took into photoshop and developed this image so that it was suitable for a nightclub promotion. They really liked the font choices I chose on this design and I personally think this was one of my strongest pieces of work to date. I think the colours work very well together and it is a very eye catching poster.

The next poster I designed for Funky's was their New Years Eve poster. The colours on this poster I think work fantastic together. The font I have used is bold and very legible and even found a scrabble like font for the main headline. Again I found a beach girl vector and took her into photoshop and mixed it with a bit of a halftone and what came in handy for both these posters were my brushes in photoshop as I have tonnes of extra brushes and they can come in handy for clients like these. The client really liked this as he thought it was different to what was out there but was still very potent.

With the New Years Eve poster they also wanted tickets to sell for the event. The tickets we produced for them was a tear off ticket. The two blank white circles at top of ticket is for the company so that they could number the tickets, and if you look closely enough you can see the tear off line. All i did was took the design of the poster and cropped the top end of it and used it has the ticket. The company also used the Boxing Day poster and the New Years Eve poster and they had some flyer's printed so they were also handing these out as well. They loved both posters, flyer's and tickets and both events was a success as I attended the New Years Eve one and had a great night best part of it was seeing my work on the walls and seeing my flyer's getting handed out.

Another brief I received from Fuzz Design and I think this was before the poster I have just shown you for Funky's, was for a company called 'Cube' who were a bar just up the road from Funky's. This is where people head before they go down to Funky's. This was going to be on a flyer for them to hand out. The first thing I looked for, for this poster was an abstract cube or cubes. I found these fairly quickly so then I looked for a vector or an abstract woman. My idea for this flyer was to keep it abstract and eye catching. I think the font choice I chose has worked very well with the poster as a whole and I think the colours work very well together and compliment each other.

This is another flyer I produced for Cube and in the end they wanted it as a poster as well, the reason been they liked the flyer so much and wanted to show it bigger outside their bar. This event was called 'Dissolved' so my idea was to try make the images and text I was using to look like it was dissolving. I managed to do this effect in photoshop and was really happy with the outcome as i think the colours work fantastic together. Another potent poster for a nightclub / bar in which the client was very happy with.

Friday 1 July 2011

V.I.P Hair / Nails / Beauty

This next set of work is when I was in my final year of University. I Managed to sort myself out some Work Experience at a Graphic Design company called Fuzz Design. It was here I worked for 6 weeks in a row apart from one day a week in which I had to go into University on that day. Everything I did here went towards my grade at the end of the year as I was not in University so in a way it was like a project on its own.

I Managed to get a few of my designs from them to show you my work I designed for real clients and not a brief like i was used to doing. This was not my first bit bit of experience as I worked for Suburb Magazine before this and Urban Concept throughout the summer. Unfortunately I was unable to get any of my work from these companies. So I already had a bit of experience in the industry before going to Fuzz Design, I think this helped me in getting the placement. When i was going for the placement Fuzz had a proper interview process in place in which I had to sort my portfolio out with my best work and in the end they liked what I did and they were even happier at the fact i was telling them how I did the designs and why.

So my first bit of work from Fuzz was for a company called V.I.P Hair, Nails and Beauty. I did 3 posters for this company and if I can remember correctly they were very happy with the posters I had created for them. Below are the 3 that i designed let me know what you think.

This was the first one that I produced for them. This was advertising eyelash extensions, the price had been reduced to £35. I really like this poster, I focused on making the eyelash photo in which the company sent us as the main focus of the poster having them so it bled off the page. I then added text at the top and bottom of the poster so it did not overlap the eyelash extensions. This was a big A1 poster they were using to put in their shop window.

The second one V.I.P wanted was to advertise that their company now sell vouchers for the shop. They wanted to advertise this as it was coming up to christmas at the time and wanted people to buy friends ad family vouchers to use after christmas. My company had already designed the vouchers before I had got there so they wanted me to produce the poster for them. So seen as though it was christmas I found a nice christmas vector to use as the background to the poster, all I then needed to add was the vouchers we had already designed so them and the logo was just a drop in. I then added a nice thin font in the middle of the poster below their logo to complete the poster.

The last poster I designed was for a christmas gift guide in which I also designed but was unable to get the file for. They liked the image I used on the gift guide so they wanted me to use on the poster as well. Like i say I had already designed the gift guide so all i needed to do was drop all the components on to an A1 poster. The women dressed as an Angel is an iStock image and the flakes and baubles are vectors that i had found. This is a really nice poster again to fit with the time of year been christmas.